Dwell Richly

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Dwell Richly, Day 11

Today's reading: Mark 11

My Word of Christ today is a blessed challenge: "Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (v. 24). How small my faith! Lord, too quickly my mind goes to exceptions or caveats to this invitation. Give me and to your Church such boldness in prayer!ย 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 10

Today's reading: Mark 10

The Word of Christ that stops me in my tracks is v. 16: "And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands on them." It's such a familiar image, but what stands out today is that Jesus took the time to take each of these little ones into His arms. This was no drive-by blessing. Oh, the tenderness of our dear Savior!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 9

Today's reading: Mark 9

That last Word of the chapter resounds like a bell in my ears: "be at peace with each other" (v. 50). It seems simple to say, but the will of our Lord is that I be at peaceโ€”shalomโ€”with others. He himself is my peace (Eph. 2:14); in Him, how can I but extend that peace to others?

What's your Word?

Dwell RIchly, Day 8

Today's reading: Mark 8

When I hear "forfeit" (as in, "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul," v. 36), my mind goes to little league. You forfeit the game when you give up. To forfeit my soul is to surrender, to throw in the towel. Lord, keep me steadfast in your grace, and keep far from me every temptation to trade your Truth for the pleasures of the world!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 7

Today's reading: Mark 7

Well, "spitting" certainly stands out in today's reading, but I'm going to lift up a word shortly before that: privately. Along with yesterday's Word ("come away and rest"), I'm struck by Jesus' insistence that He heal the man by Himself. How compassionate our Lord, and how personal!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 6

Today's reading: Mark 6

The Word of Christ that especially grabs me today is the word rest: "Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while," Jesus says (v. 31). Exhale. Deep breath. Busyness can overtake me, and any of us. But Jesus' invitation day by day is still this: rest in Him. What a gift!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 5

Dwell Richly, Day 5

Today's reading: Mark 5

A Word of Christ that grabs me today is "permission." Jesus gave permission to the evil spirits to occupy the pigs instead of the man (v. 13). That speaks to me of Jesus' cosmic lordship. He's Boss. The "scary" demons come to him like a second grader in need of a hall pass to go to the potty. Crown Him with many crowns!ย 

What's your Word?
