Visit This Sunday

We are currently in our fall/winter schedule

Worship @ 9:30 a.m.

Christian Education from 11 - 11:45 a.m.

Fellowship & Coffee Hour in-between

Holy Communion is celebrated each week

What to Expect

Visiting a church for the first time can be an anxious experience. Here is something of what you can expect when you visit Trinity Lutheran. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

What is a Lutheran?

So glad you asked!

How should I dress?

We don’t have a dress code at Trinity. Some of our parishioners, as an expression of their reverence for God’s presence, prefer to dress more formally; others, intending no irreverence, prefer to dress more casually. Wear what feels comfortable!

Where should I park?

We have side-street parking along both 3rd and Mill streets in Arcadia, with handicap accessible spots right in front of church.

What do I do when I get there?

As you enter the church, someone—an usher, the Pastor, or another friendly church member—will greet you and give you the day’s worship folder. From there, you are welcome to chat with other folks milling about in the parish hall or simply take your seat in the sanctuary.

Is there anything for my kids?

Absolutely! During the school year, Sunday School is held for all children, ages 3+, at 11 a.m. Using Concordia Publishing House’s excellent curriculum, the children come to know and love the great stories of the Bible, as well as learning about the Church Year, hymns, and more.

Every summer we have Vacation Bible School, usually during the last week of June.

Do you have nursery care?

While we don't currently have a staffed nursery, we do have a "cry room" at the rear of the sanctuary. Additionally, there is a nursery room with comfortable seating and a TV to view the stream of the service. An usher would be happy to help you find a place for you and your little one if need be.

What is the worship service like?

Worship at Trinity is Christ-centered, biblical, and sacramental. We follow an ancient pattern of worship called a liturgy, which involves a variety of responsive readings, ceremonies, and ritual actions that lead us into God’s presence. Our liturgy and hymns are drawn from the Lutheran Service Book. 

Our music is generally accompanied by organ or piano, though we freely use additional instrumentation (guitar, cello, violin, etc.), and the liturgy is also often chanted or sung.

How will I know what to do and say?

The entire order of service, complete with directions for when to stand, speak, etc., is printed in the worship folder that you receive when you come in. And when in doubt, watch what others are doing! If you are unfamiliar with our liturgical worship, don’t be concerned.

It may seem strange at first, and you may find that you just want to stand back and observe. That is perfectly acceptable. You will discover after only a few weeks that you are learning the words and motions, and beginning to “sink in” to the richness of God’s Word presented in the liturgy.

How long is the service?

Generally an hour, give or take 10 minutes.
