Our Story is at the heart of Arcadia


Trinity Lutheran Church is located in the heart of the Village of Arcadia in Manistee County, Michigan. The  congregation was formed in 1881 by a group of German settlers from Wisconsin. Construction of the present church structure was completed in 1888. The building has received status as a State of Michigan Historic Site. 

Sunday School and Bible classes are held each Sunday in the fall & winter. We have active adult and children's choirs who sing once a month during the school year. 

In the summer, two services are held each Sunday as Trinity has many guests from Camp Arcadia and the neighboring Lutheran Camp Association Cottage Colony. 

Holy communion is celebrated each Sunday. 

We are located in a beautiful resort community. In addition to the growing number of year-round local membership, a portion of Trinity's members spend several months in the south, returning in the spring. These “snowbirds” are a special part of Trinity's demographic.

We are an active, year-round church with many activities held throughout the year, including midweek services and dinners during Advent and Lent. 

Today, Trinity's congregation continues to serve Arcadia and surrounding communities of Bear Lake, Frankfort, Elberta, Kaleva, Frankfort, Beulah and Onekama. We strive to help the needy in their many missions.

Follow this link to learn about the early history of trinity lutheran, arcadia.



Trinity Lutheran congregation has an established cemetery about a mile east of Arcadia. The land was given by the Starke Land and Lumber Company before the 1900s. The first map of the cemetery, dated October 1897, states the surveyor was J. H. Millard. 

History of Pilgrim Home, the cemetery of Trinity Lutheran, Arcadia

To this day, Pilgrim Home Cemetery remains a beautiful and quiet place where generations of founding families await the resurrection. 


The J. G. Pfeffer & Company pipe organ was installed at Trinity in 1901 for $675.00. It is believed to be the only extant (existing) instrument in the state of Michigan built by the St. Louis builders. 

The organ case of oak is free standing in the center of the gallery, nearly dividing the gallery in half. The single manual projecting keydesk interior wood is covered with a red stain and varnish. It has 58 white celluloid keys. The organ could be hand pumped and was used until electricity was brought to Arcadia in 1920, when an electric blower was installed in the basement of the church. It was the duty of young boys of the congregation to pump the organ on Sunday mornings. Ray Ebert often mentioned that he had to work the pump while his mother played.

The organ is an important part of Trinity’s congregation and continues to aid in weekly worship. It has truly helped in making Trinity a “singing congregation.” 



The beautiful stained-glass windows that now adorn the Church were installed for the 50th anniversary of its dedication. They were paid for by the Ladies Aid, members, and former members.

In 1994 members of Trinity voted to do a major renovation without altering the church structure, itself. There was a need for a connection to the school, rest rooms and a larger fellowship hall. Also, offices and classrooms for Confirmation and Sunday School and an elevator were needed. 

The plans were created by John Paulson. B. J. Hopwood of Arcadia was hired for the construction with some help from the parishioners. In 1995, the new addition was finished and dedicated.

With relatively minor changes – for example, the conversion from kerosene to electric lighting and modification of the front entrance to accommodate coffins, the church building is essentially the same as it was in 1887. 

In early 2024, the sanctuary underwent a major restoration project to repair over 1200 linear feet of cracked plaster. New paint and stenciling was applied to the repaired walls, restoring our beloved area of worship to its former glory.


In 2015, longtime pastor, Ted Beiderwieden, retired and we were served by an Intentional Interim pastor for 3 years. Following this, a call was issued to Pastor Ryan Tinetti, then serving in Spokane, Washington. Pastor Tinetti accepted the call and returned to his roots in Michigan. After serving Trinity so faithfully, he accepted a call to the St. Louis Seminary in 2024.

While under Pastor Tinetti's shepherding, many programs were instituted, including the Arcadia Care Team, Heart for Arcadia, and The Neighborly Café. The church staff grew to include a part-time church secretary, properties administrator and a community coordinator. Trinity was a church of mainly older, senior citizens and has grown to include many young families. We are truly blessed to be a blessing to our community.

For more information about the important places around us, please use the links below.

Camp Arcadia

Walking Tour of Arcadia

Historic Arcadia

Arcadia Historical Society

Arcadia Marsh Nature Preserve

Scenic M-22
