+ Announcements + 18 August 2024 +

WELCOME TO GUESTS! - We are so glad to have you with us! If you have needs or questions, reach out to an usher or elder, or use the contact info on the back of the bulletin. We’d love to hear from you! Turn in your guest card to an usher to receive a little token of our friendship. 


SPECIAL WELCOME TO FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN - We have kids’ bulletins and activity bags— just ask an usher! If you need to leave your seat for a moment, we have a nursery with livestream for the early service down the hall; so you can still be involved with the service. Changing tables are in the women’s restroom.


*** *** *** *** ***


PREACHING TODAY is Pastor Adam Carnehl of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Randolph, New Jersey. Pastor Carnehl is one of the lecturers this week at Camp Arcadia. He will be joined by Tanner Olson and Blake Flatly. Morning lectures begin at 9:30, there is a coffee break between the two speakers, and sessions end about 11:15. You are welcome to attend. The entire summer schedule is posted on the Community Corner bulletin board.


EXPERIENCED PAINTING VOLUNTEERS needed to help paint the parsonage! Work hours are flexible, including weekdays or weekends. Contact Mark Witte for more information at (616) 295-7285. 


DONATIONS FOR FARMWORKER APPRECIATION dinner are being gathered through Tuesday. Please see the flyer in the community corner for a lists of the most needed items.


BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS will take place on Sunday, August 25 between services. All those returning to school/college this fall are encouraged to bring their backpack and receive a special blessing for the year ahead! 


YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY led by Vicar Matt is taking place at Our Savior in Benzonia on Wednesday nights at 6 pm through Labor Day. Open to ages 16+, dinner and childcare are provided! 


FELLOWSHIP HOSTS - for August are needed! A sign-up sheet is located in the community corner, please consider volunteering to bring treats, make coffee, and help with set-up and clean-up.


ARCADIA COMMUNITY MARKET - will return on Friday, August 23rd from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. We will have fresh produce, baked goods and more! If you are interested in becoming a vendor please message us at ArcadiaMarketMI@gmail.com.


NEIGHBORLY CAFE - meets every Tuesday and Friday, from 9:30 ’til Noon. A couple of volunteers are needed to help Kent with this ministry. There is always free coffee, cookies, and conversation, of course!


AUGUST PANTRY FOCUS: RISE & SHINE! - Our Little Free Pantry is needy. Breakfast foods such as oatmeal, pancake mix, syrups, jams, granola, cereal and breakfast bars are especially helpful. Any non-perishables can be placed in the Community Corner basket or in the kitchen LFP cupboards. Thank-you!




Altar Guild Sue Ulbrich



Ushers 9:00 - Walt Kitchen, Angela Caro

10:45 - Jill & Paul Schulert, Matt Lane


Communion Assistants 9:00 - Dave Olen, Mark Kuhlmann

10:45 - Chip May






Personal Prayer Requests

Gail Arnold

Taylor Callahan Beck

Kathy Bellamy

Carl Boike

Diane Schoonover Crist

Doug Erdman

Evan Gruesbeck

Carl Hoppe

Jan Hopwood

Paul Jaeger

Pat Jones 

John Keillor

Walt Kretzmann

James Maier

Ric Morency

Jane Chemacki Nelson

Kathleen Parsons

Bill Patterson

Dale Pelton

Sandy Pelton

George Punches

Alicia Richey

Joyce Rossen

Margo Schimmel

Steven Schneider

Vic Shank

Marty Shaw +

Mike Smith

Joyce Struble +

Jason Swain

Tonya Swales

Carol Walker


Jeannette Ware 

Dorothy Wendt +

Larry Wendt +

Katie Winkelhake

Phil Witkiewicz

Andy Woell

Karla Woell +

Stan Woell +

Marian Zupin



Adrian Barrett - Army

Col. Rob. Bejnarowicz – Army

Jonathan Danke - Marines

Jon Davis – Navy

Jack Howard - Navy

Ted Howard - Navy

Wyatt Johnson - Nat’l Guard

Amber Maidens – Nat’l. Guard

Paul Myers – Army

John Nash - Marines

David Newton - Army

Seth Nowland – Army

Brandon Schram – Navy

Capt. Scott Smith - Nat’l Guard

Jaden Tabak - Navy

Trace Ware -  Army


Neighborhood - Springdale


Persecuted Christians - Mauritania


Partner Church - Evangelical Lutheran Church - Synod of France


*denotes new addition     + homebound


- Sunday, August 18th -

9:00 - Worship Service

10:15 - Fellowship

10:45 - Worship Service

- Monday, August 19th -

- Tuesday, August 20th -

7:30 - Men’s Guild

9:30-Noon - Neighborly Cafe


Dallas Hearit

- Wednesday, August 21st -

11:00 - Knitting Group

11:00 - Church Staff Meeting

- Thursday, August 22nd -


Esther Loosemore

- Friday, August 23rd -

9:30-Noon - Neighborly Cafe


Ann Reeves

 -Saturday, August 24th -

- Sunday, August 25th -

9:00 - Worship Service

10:15 - Fellowship

10:45 - Worship Service
