+ Announcements + 7 July 2024 +



WELCOME TO GUESTS! - We are so glad to have you with us! If you have needs or questions, reach out to an usher or elder, or use the contact info on the back of the bulletin. We’d love to hear from you! Turn in your guest card to an usher to receive a little token of our friendship. 


SPECIAL WELCOME TO FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN - We have kids’ bulletins and activity bags— just ask an usher! If you need to leave your seat for a moment, we have a nursery with livestream down the hall; so you can still be involved with the service. Changing tables are in the women’s restroom.


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TODAY WE WELCOME to the pulpit Pastor Matt Hoffman of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Park Ridge, Illinois! Pastor Hoffman is one of the lecturers this week at Camp Arcadia. He will be joined by Blythe Barreto. Lectures begin at 9:30, there is a coffee break between the two speakers, and sessions end about 11:15. You are welcome to attend. The  entire summer schedule is posted on the Community Corner bulletin board.


PART TWO OF VBS - will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Benzonia, July 9, 10, and 11, from 5:00-7:00 pm. To register, go to https://www.tinyurl.com/SummerVBS2024


OUR REGULAR VOTERS’ MEETING - will be Wednesday, July 17th at 7:00pm. All voters should mark their calendars! And if you are a member who is not yet a voter, see Margaret Punches, our Council Secretary, for more information.


CONGREGATIONAL UPDATES - are being sent via email. If you have not been receiving them lately, be sure to let someone in the office know. 


ARCADIA COMMUNITY MARKET - returns for a second season on the Front Yard! The market will run again on 4th Fridays of the month: July 26th and August 23rd. We’ll feature fresh produce, baked goods and more! If you are interested in becoming a vendor please message us at ArcadiaMarketMI@gmail.com.


BACON NEEDED - For the Arcadia Daze German Potato Salad Luncheon! We still need bacon to serve the 300+ lunches on Saturday, July 27th. Please consider picking up a pound or two the next time you are grocery shopping! Bacon can be labeled GPS, and put in the church freezer. Thank you!


FELLOWSHIP HOSTS NEEDED - for July and August are needed! A sign-up sheet is located in the community corner, please consider volunteering to bring treats, make coffee, and help with set-up and clean-up.


NEIGHBORLY CAFE - meets every Tuesday and Friday, from 9:30 ’til Noon. A couple of volunteers are needed to help Kent with this ministry. There is always free coffee, cookies, and conversation, of course!


JULY PANTRY FOCUS: THE BARE NECESSITIES! - Our Little Free Pantry is needy. This month, bring in some items that will help our neighbors feel loved! Canned proteins, peanut butter, snacks, veggies, and any non-perishables can be placed in the Community Corner basket or in the kitchen LFP cupboards. Thank-you!




Altar Guild Sarah Dunn

Flowers AHS Girls Basketball Team In Memory Of Pat Dolph Danke


Ushers 9:00 - Robbie Burrus, Walt Kitchen

10:45 - Jeremy Danke, David Koenig


Communion Assistant 9:00 - Mark Kuhlmann

10:45 - Jack McKenna


Fellowship Mark & Janet Hall


Personal Prayer Requests

Gail Arnold

Taylor Callahan Beck

Kathy Bellamy

Carl Boike

Diane Schoonover Crist

Doug Erdman

Evan Gruesbeck

Carl Hoppe

Jan Hopwood

Paul Jaeger

Pat Jones 

John Keillor

Walt Kretzmann

James Maier

Ric Morency

Jane Chemacki Nelson

Kathleen Parsons

Bill Patterson

Dale Pelton

Sandy Pelton

George Punches

Alicia Richey

Joyce Rossen

Margo Schimmel

Steven Schneider

Vic Shank

Marty Shaw +

Mike Smith

Joyce Struble +

Jason Swain

Carol Walker

Jeannette Ware *

Dorothy Wendt +

Larry Wendt +

Katie Winkelhake

Andy Woell

Karla Woell +

Stan Woell +

Marian Zupin



Adrian Barrett - Army

Col. Rob. Bejnarowicz – Army

Jonathan Danke - Marines

Jon Davis – Navy

Jack Howard - Navy

Ted Howard - Navy

Wyatt Johnson - Nat’l Guard

Amber Maidens – Nat’l. Guard

Paul Myers – Army

John Nash - Marines

David Newton - Army

Seth Nowland – Army

Brandon Schram – Navy

Capt. Scott Smith - Nat’l Guard

Jaden Tabak - Navy

Trace Ware -  Army


Neighborhood - Gilmore Township


Persecuted Christians - Saudi Arabia


Partner Church - Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Africa


*denotes new addition     + homebound
